about us

We are committed to provide exceptional consumer support.
We are here to meet all of your support needs and field any membership or billing questions that you may have. Our staff is standing by to assist you. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

Modifying your membership is a simple, hassle-free procedure.
If you would like to upgrade, cancel, or update your membership, you can email us [email protected], call us at +1-888-294-2823 +44-808-175-1763, or chat live now with one of our customer support specialists.
Asked Frequently
I don’t know my password. Can I call someone to help me?
Of course you can! Our staff is on hand for reasons just like this. Call us at +1-888-294-2823 +44-808-175-1763 and speak to an operator or fill out an email form on the home page and we will help you.
My credit card keeps getting declined and I don’t know why?
There could be numerous reasons why the card was declined. Please try another card to place the order. If the card keeps getting declined, call us at +1-888-294-2823 +44-808-175-1763 or send us an email at [email protected]. You can always check with your financial institution as well to see if there is a problem with the card.

The live chat operator made upgrading my membership quick and easy. Thank you
for such a quick response!

The support team quickly located my account and helped me retrieve my
password. Thanks!

Thank you for helping me solve my browser issue. Everything works perfectly. I
am a happy member.